provides read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data.
A hierarchy data source provides access to a tree of hierarchy data
nodes. Each hierarchy data node, except the root node, has a parent that
is a hierarchy data node too. A hierarchy data node has a name.
Each hierarchy data node has three data members:
"Title", which is of type string. It contains a title
for the node. This value must not be empty.
"TargetURL", which is of type string
It may contain
any URL, which will be treated as the target of a hierarchy link.
gives access to the data members of a hierarchy data node as well
as to any child nodes or to the data members of child nodes using a
hierarchical name.
gives access to the data members of a hierarchy data node.
getByName( "Title" ) will return an any
containing a string containing the title of the node.
getByName( "Children" ) will return an any
containing an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadAccess, if it was called on a read-only
node. It will return an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess if it was called on a
writable node.
gives access to the data members of a hierarchy data node as well
as to any child nodes or to the data members of child nodes using a
hierarchical name.
A hierarchical name consists of segments that are separated by a
single slash ('/'). There is neither a leading nor a trailing slash
path = segment ( '/' segement )*
segment = '[' quoted-string ']'
quoted-string = "'" escaped-string "'"
escaped-string = escaped accoding to XML attribute naming conventions
getByHierarchicalName( "Title" ) will return an
any containing a string containing the title of the node
getByHierarchicalName( "Children/['subnode1']" ) will give
access to the child node named "subnode1" of the node. It will return
an any containing an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadAccess, if it was called on a read-only
node. It will return an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess if it was called on a
writable node.
getByHierarchicalName( "Children/['subnode2']/TargetURL" )
will give direct access to the "TargetURL" data member of the child node
named "subnode2" of the node. It will return an any
containing a string containing the target URL of the node.
getByHierarchicalName( "Children/['subnode3']/Children" )
will give direct access to the "Children" data member of the child node
named "subnode3" of the node. It will return an any
conntaining an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadAccess, if it was called on a read-only
node. It will return an implementation of service
HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess if it was called on a
writable node.
allows registering listeners that observe the hierarchy data source.
A client can register an
::com::sun::star::util::XChangesListener, which will
receive notifications for any changes within the hierarchy (fragment)
this object represents.
An implementation should collect as many changes as possible into a
single ::com::sun::star::util::ChangesEvent.