Other components can register as ::com::sun::star::awt::XImageConsumer
at this producer. Then they will be notified of any change in the image to be displayed.
Whenever the ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlImageControlModel::ImageURL
property is changed, the model loads the specified image, and sets it as image source
at its ::com::sun::star::awt::XImageProducer. Then, all
::com::sun::star::awt::XImageConsumers are notified and supplied with
the binary data of the image.
Usually, controls acting for an ImageControl model are consumers, and use the
data stream to display the image
Specifies that the IRI given in the data field should be preserved, otherwise the content will be inserted in the resulting report document.
If the data field contains something different as string then this attribute will be ignored.
Specifies that the IRI given in the data field should be preserved, otherwise the content will be inserted in the resulting report document.
If the data field contains something different as string then this attribute will be ignored.