Specifies that recurring values are printed.
If set to true then the value will be printed every time. If set to false then the value will only be printed once.
The default value is true.
Specifies the section where the control belongs to.
This is a shortcut to get control hierachy up.
This value is NULL when the control was not inserted in any section.
Specifies that recurring values are printed.
If set to true then the value will be printed every time. If set to false then the value will only be printed once.
The default value is true.
is used for subreports and contains the names of columns of the parent report.
These columns are typically the foreign key fields of the parent report.
The values of theses columns are used to identify the data for the subreport.
Each time the parent report changes it's current row, the subreport requeries
it's data based on the values of the master fields.
If the report is no sub report (e.g. it's parent is not a report itself), this
property is not evaluated.
is used for subreports and contains the names of the columns of the subreport
which are related to the master fields of the parent report.
Entries in this sequence can either denote column names in the sub report,
or paramater names.
For instance, you could base the report on the SQL statement
SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE cust_ref = :cid, and add cid
to the DetailFields property. In this case, the parameter will be filled from
the corresponding master field.
Alternatively, you could simply base your report on the table invoices,
and add the column name cust_ref to the DetailFields. In this case,
and implicit filter clause WHERE cust_ref = :<new_param_name> will
be created, and the artificial parameter will be filled from the corresponding
master field.
If a string in this property denotes both a column name and a parameter name, it
is undefined which way it is interpreted, but implementations of the service are required
to either decide for the paramter or the column, and proceed as usual.
The columns specified herein typically represent a part of the primary key
fields or their aliases of the detail report.
If the report is no sub report (e.g. it's parent is not a report itself), this
property is not evaluated.
Specifies the section where the control belongs to.
This is a shortcut to get control hierachy up.
This value is NULL when the control was not inserted in any section.