Gives information about a word's possible hyphenation points.
Example: In German pre-spelling-reform you may have the following:
getWord: Dampfschiffahrt
getPossibleHyphens: Dampf=schiff=fahrt
getOrigHyphensPositions: 4, 9
That is "Dampfschiffahrt" can be hyphenated after the "pf" (4) and
between the double "ff" (9). And if you are going to hyphenate it at
position 9 you will get an additional "f" before the hyphen
a string depicting the word with all hyphen positions
which are represented by '=' characters.
If there are any alternative spellings, the word will be altered
an ascending sequence of numbers where each number is an offset
within the original word which denotes a hyphenation
position corresponding to one of the hyphens in the
string returned by