stores the object's persistent data to a URL and
makes this URL the new location of the object.
This is the normal behavior for UI's "save-as" feature.
The change of the location makes it necessary to store the document in
a format that the object can load. For this reason the implementation of
XStorable::storeAsURL() will throw an exception if a pure
export filter is used, it will accept only combined import/export filters.
For such filters the method XStorable::storeToURL()
must be used that does not change the location of the object.
Parameter sURL
specifies the new location of this component
Parameter lArguments
optional parameters for saving
(see ::com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor for further details)
if an IO error occured during save operation
(may the location is unknown)
stores the object's persistent data to a URL and
continues to be a representation of the old URL.
This is the normal behavior for UI's export feature.
This method accepts all kinds of export filters, not only combined
import/export filters because it implements an exporting capability, not a
persistence capability.
if an IO error occured during save operation
(may the location is unknown)
Parameter lArguments
optional parameters for saving
(see ::com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor for further details)