specifies a button control which can execute external submissions
The model of the control has to support the ::com::sun::star::form::component::SubmitButton
The control is clickable. When clicked (by mouse or keyboard, or programmatically),
the following happens:
Any ::com::sun::star::form::submission::XSubmissionVetoListeners registered
at the component are given the chance to veto the submission.
The model of the control is examined for an external submission object. That is,
is called at the model.
If there is such a submission object, its
::com::sun::star::form::submission::XSubmission::submit method is invoked.
If there is no external submission, the parent object of the model is examined
for the presence of the ::com::sun::star::form::XSubmit interface. If it
is present, it's ::com::sun::star::form::XSubmit::submit method is
Since the parent object of a submit button can only be a ::com::sun::star::form::component::Form,
this means that SubmitButtons are also able to submit ::com::sun::star::form::component::HTMLForms.