Overview | Module | Use | Devguide | Index |
Nested Modules | Services | Singletons | Interfaces | Structs | Exceptions | Enums | Typedefs | Constant Groups |
module text |
Nested Modules | |
fieldmaster | |
textfield |
Services | |
AccessibleEndnoteView | The accessible view of endnotes. |
AccessibleFootnoteView | The accessible view of footnotes. |
AccessibleHeaderFooterView | The accessible view of headers and footers. |
AccessiblePageView | The accessible view of pagees. |
AccessibleParagraphView | The accessible view of a paragraph fragment. |
AccessibleTextDocumentPageView | The accessible page preview of a text document. |
AccessibleTextDocumentView | The accessible view of a text document. |
AccessibleTextEmbeddedObject | The accessible view of an inactive embedded object. If an embedded object gets active, the active document gets an accessible object tree of its own. This tree is not a subtree of the object that supports this service but of the document service itself. The tree exist only until the ovject is deactivated. |
AccessibleTextFrameView | The accessible view of text frames. |
AccessibleTextGraphicObject | The accessible view of graphics. |
AdvancedTextDocument | [ DEPRECATED ] An advanced text document is an extension of a hypertext document which can also contain text-frames, foot- and endnotes, and some other advanced contents. |
AutoTextContainer | provides access to groups of text blocks. |
AutoTextEntry | provides access to a text block in a group of an AutoTextContainer. |
AutoTextGroup | provides access to text blocks in a group. |
BaseFrame | specifies the base service of text frames, graphic objects, and embedded objects |
BaseFrameProperties | specifies the properties that are provided by all text frames, graphic objects, embedded objects and frame styles. |
BaseIndex | specifies the basic service of different indexes within a document. |
BaseIndexMark | is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry. This is the base service of index marks for DocumentIndex, ContentIndex, and UserIndex. |
Bibliography | specifies service of bibliography within a text document. |
Bookmark | A bookmark is a TextContent, which is like a jump target or a label. |
Bookmarks | This service specifies a collection of Bookmarks. |
Cell | represents a singe cell within a text table. |
CellProperties | service that holds all cell properties of a text table cell in a text document. |
CellRange | area of cells within a text table. |
ChainedTextFrame | extends a TextFrame which shares the same Text with other ChainedTextFrame instances that will make the text flow through the chained frames. The text flows in the next frame if there is no space left in the current frame. |
ChapterNumberingRule | describes the rules for chapter numbering in a text document. |
ContentIndex | specifies service of content indexes within a document. |
ContentIndexMark | is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a ContentIndex. |
DefaultNumberingProvider | provides access to language dependent numbering types and supports formatting of those numberings. |
Defaults | provides default settings of a text component for paragraph and character properties. |
DependentTextField | is a TextField which is not specified by itself, but dependent on a TextFieldMaster. |
DocumentIndex | specifies service of content indexes within a document. |
DocumentIndexFormat | [ DEPRECATED ] specifies the formatting of document indexes. |
DocumentIndexLevelFormat | This service provides access to the structure of the levels of document indexes. |
DocumentIndexMark | is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. |
DocumentIndexMarkAsian | is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a DocumentIndex. For Asian languages the user can provide an additional string which is used for sorting. If the user does not provide these strings, they are not considered for sorting. |
DocumentIndexParagraphStyles | provides access to the names of paragraph styles that are included in content indexes of user defined indexes. The element type is sequence of string. |
DocumentIndexes | provides access to all indexes in a document. |
DocumentSettings | describes properties that apply to the whole text document. |
Endnote | This service specifies a an endnote in a TextDocument. |
EndnoteSettings | provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. |
Footnote | This service specifies a footnote or an endnote in a TextDocument. |
FootnoteSettings | provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a (text) document. |
Footnotes | provides access to the footnotes or endnotes of a (text) document. |
GenericTextDocument | A text document is a model component which contains text structured by paragraphs. |
GlobalDocument | [ DEPRECATED ] Specify the document service of the global text module. |
GlobalSettings | specifies a service that provides acces to the settings of a text module. |
HypertextDocument | [ DEPRECATED ] is an extension of a text document which can also contain tables and certain kinds of embedded objects (e.g., graphics). |
IllustrationsIndex | specifies service of illustration indexes within a document. |
InContentMetadata | is a TextContent that can be used to attach RDF metadata to a range of text. |
LineNumberingProperties | provides access to the settings of the line numbering. |
LineNumberingSettings | [ DEPRECATED ] provides access to the settings of the line numbering. |
MailMerge | Gives access to mail merge functionality. |
NumberingLevel | provides access to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules. |
NumberingRules | provides access to the numbering rules. |
NumberingStyle | specifies a stylesheet numberings within a Text. |
ObjectIndex | specifies service of object indexes within a document. |
PageFootnoteInfo | specifies the properties of the footnote area of a page or a page style. |
PagePrintSettings | These properties describe the way the XPagePrintable interface prints the page on one printer page. |
Paragraph | is a piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties). |
ParagraphEnumeration | provides access to the paragraphs of an XText interface. |
PrintPreviewSettings | [ DEPRECATED ] These properties describe the printing of the content of a text document. * * |
PrintSettings | These properties describe the printing of the content of a text document. |
RedlinePortion | A RedlinePortion is a TextPortion that marks a change that has been recorded by the change tracking. |
ReferenceMark | is used for cross references in text documents. |
ReferenceMarks | provides access to the reference marks in a document. |
Shape | specifies the service of shapes in a text document |
TableColumns | represents a collection of all columns of a table. |
TableIndex | specifies service of table indexes within a document. |
TableRows | represents a collection of all rows of a text table. |
Text | is an independent piece of text which consists of a series of one or more paragraphs. |
TextColumns | provides access to columns in text (e.g., in TextFrames ). |
TextContent | is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField. |
TextContentCollection | Objects of this type are collections of text contents of the same type. |
TextCursor | A TextCursor is a TextRange which can be moved within a Text object. |
TextDocument | Specify the document service of the text module. |
TextDocumentView | specifies the view of a TextDocument. |
TextEmbeddedObject | provides access to the properties and methods of an embedded object. |
TextEmbeddedObjects | provides access to all embedded objects in a document. |
TextField | A TextField is a TextContent which fades its textual representation into the text range to which it is anchored. |
TextFieldEnumeration | This interface creates an enumeration of all text fields within a text document. |
TextFieldMaster | A TextFieldMaster specifies important data for its DependentTextFields. |
TextFieldMasters | This is a collection of instances of TextFieldMaster, defined in a context (e.g. in a document). |
TextFields | This is a collection of TextField instances. |
TextFrame | specifies a rectangular shape which contains a Text object and is attached to a piece of surrounding Text. |
TextFrames | This is the collection of all TextFrame instances within a context (e.g. a document). |
TextGraphicObject | specifies a graphic which can be embedded in Text. |
TextGraphicObjects | This is the collection of all TextGraphicObject instances within a context (e.g. a document). |
TextLayoutCursor | A TextLayoutCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a layout of a Text object. |
TextPageStyle | represents a page style for a text document. |
TextPortion | A TextPortion is a piece of text within a paragraph that does not contain changes of its attributes inside. |
TextPortionEnumeration | This interface creates an enumeration of paragraph within a text document. The elements created by this enumeration contains either parts of text with equal properties or text content elements like text fields, reference marks or bookmarks. |
TextRange | points to a sequence of characters within a Text. |
TextRangeContentProperties | describes the structural properties to retrieve text contents. |
TextRanges | provides a container for XTextRange objects. |
TextSection | A TextSection is a range of complete paragraphs within a text. |
TextSections | provides access to the text sections in a text document. |
TextSortDescriptor | [ DEPRECATED ] describes sort criteria for sorting text. |
TextSortDescriptor2 | describes sort criterias for sorting paragraphs or table contents in a text document. |
TextSortable | [ DEPRECATED ] provides an interface for sorting. |
TextTable | is a table of text cells which is anchored to a surrounding text. |
TextTableCursor | specifies a cursor in text tables. |
TextTableRow | specifies the properties of a text table row. |
TextTables | provides access to all tables in a document. |
TextViewCursor | A TextViewCursor is a TextRange which can travel within a view of a Text object. |
UserDefinedIndex | specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. |
UserIndex | specifies service of user defined indexes within a document. |
UserIndexMark | is a TextRange which is explicitly marked as an index entry for a UserIndex. |
ViewSettings | provides access to the settings of the controller of a text document. |
WebDocument | [ DEPRECATED ] Specify the document service of the web module. |
Interfaces | |
XAutoTextContainer | handles blocks of AutoTextEntry. |
XAutoTextEntry | [ DEPRECATED ] identifies an autotext entry. |
XAutoTextGroup | The interface provide methods to insert, rename and delete autotext entries from the current autotext group. |
XBookmarkInsertTool | offers an easy way to insert bookmarks by name. |
XBookmarksSupplier | provides access to the collection of all bookmarks within this text container. |
XChapterNumberingSupplier | contains the settings of the chapter numbering in a text document. |
XDefaultNumberingProvider | provides access to default NumberingRules according to a given locale information. |
XDependentTextField | makes it possible to attach this TextField to a TextFieldMaster. |
XDocumentIndex | [ DEPRECATED ] This is the main interface for a document index. |
XDocumentIndexMark | gives access to the mark of a document index entry. |
XDocumentIndexesSupplier | gives access to the collection of document indexes. |
XEndnotesSettingsSupplier | makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings within the context (e.g. document). |
XEndnotesSupplier | makes it possible to access the endnotes within the context (e.g. document). |
XFlatParagraph | provides functionality to ... |
XFlatParagraphIterator | provides functionality to ... |
XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider | provides functionality to ... |
XFootnote | specifies a footnote within a Text. |
XFootnotesSettingsSupplier | makes it possible to access the FootnoteSettings with the context (e.g. document). |
XFootnotesSupplier | makes it possible to access the footnotes within the context (e.g. document). |
XFormField | [ DEPRECATED ] |
XHeaderFooter | [ DEPRECATED ] |
XHeaderFooterPageStyle | [ DEPRECATED ] |
XLineNumberingProperties | contains the settings of the line numbering in a text document. |
XLineNumberingSupplier | [ DEPRECATED ] contains the settings of the line numbering in a text document. |
XMailMergeBroadcaster | allows for adding/removing of mail merge event listeners. |
XMailMergeListener | used to notify listeners about mail merge events. |
XMarkingAccess | extends a text range by method to modify its position. |
XModule | [ DEPRECATED ] |
XMultiTextMarkup | provides functionality to apply multiple text markups in one call. |
XNumberingFormatter | supports the formatting of numberings in various language environments. |
XNumberingRulesSupplier | This interface enables the object to handle numbering rules. |
XNumberingTypeInfo | provides access to the numbering types that are supported by a component. |
XPageCursor | makes it possible to perform cursor movements between pages. |
XPagePrintable | Print several pages on one printer page. |
XParagraphAppend | . |
XParagraphCursor | makes it possible to move paragraph by paragraph. |
XRedline | enables creation of redlines (change tracking). |
XReferenceMarksSupplier | provides access to the reference marks within this context (i.e. document). |
XRelativeTextContentInsert | [ DEPRECATED ] makes it possible to insert new text contents before or after existing text contents. |
XRelativeTextContentRemove | [ DEPRECATED ] makes it possible to remove text contents before or after existing text contents. |
XRubySelection | This interface enables the object to handle list of ruby lines (aka Furigana lines). |
XSentenceCursor | makes it possible to perform cursor movements through sentences. |
XSimpleText | is the main interface for a distinct text unit, i.e. the main text of a document, the text for headers and footers or for single cells of a table. |
XText | extends a XSimpleText by the capability of inserting XTextContents. |
XTextAppend | . |
XTextAppendAndConvert | merges the functions of XTextAppend, XTextContentAppend and XTextConvert. |
XTextColumns | manages columns within the object. |
XTextContent | enables objects to be inserted into a text and to provide their location in a text once they are inserted into it. |
XTextContentAppend | . |
XTextConvert | . |
XTextCopy | enables a text object to copy attributed text from another text object. |
XTextCursor | extends a text range by method to modify its position. |
XTextDocument | is the main interface of a text document. |
XTextEmbeddedObject | [ DEPRECATED ] f t! |
XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier | provides the collection of all embedded objects within this context (i.e. this document). |
XTextField | is the base interface for all text fields. |
XTextFieldsSupplier | makes it possible to access the text fields used in this context (e.g. this document). |
XTextFrame | provides access to the Text of a TextFrame. |
XTextFramesSupplier | makes it possible to access the TextFrame instances in this context (e.g. document). |
XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier | provides access to the collection of all embedded and linked graphics within this context (i.e. within this document). |
XTextMarkup | provides functionality to markup text. |
XTextPortionAppend | . |
XTextRange | describes the object's position in a text. |
XTextRangeCompare | compares the positions of two TextRanges within a Text. |
XTextRangeMover | makes it possible to move a text range (e.g. a paragraph by itself) within this text. |
XTextSection | provide special data of a TextSection. |
XTextSectionsSupplier | manages the text sections within the context (i.e. the document). |
XTextShapesSupplier | provides the collection of ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextShapes. |
XTextTable | manages a text table. |
XTextTableCursor | The TextTableCursor provide methods to navigate throught the table structure, to merge and split cells |
XTextTablesSupplier | enables the object to handle text tables. |
XTextViewCursor | describes a cursor in a text document's view. |
XTextViewCursorSupplier | supplies access to the cursor in the view. |
XWordCursor | makes it possible to move a cursor word by word. |
Structs | |
GraphicCrop | describes the cropping of graphic objects. Cropping means to show only parts of the object. |
HoriOrientationFormat | describes the horizontal orientation of an object. |
MailMergeEvent | represents a mail merge event. |
SectionFileLink | describes the link for a text section. |
TableColumnSeparator | The width of the cells of a text table is defined by the position of the separator between neighboring cells. |
TextColumn | defines a single text column. |
TextMarkupDescriptor | A descriptor for a single text markup. |
VertOrientationFormat | describes the vertical orientation of an object. |
Exceptions | |
InvalidTextContentException | is thrown whenever a method gets a TextContent as an actual argument when the text content cannot be used for that operation. |
Enums | |
HorizontalAdjust | enumeration values define the horizontal adjustments of objects. |
NotePrintMode | enumeration values are used to define the printing of notes in a document. |
PageNumberType | determines which page number is displayed in a page number text field. |
RubyAdjust | These enumeration values describe the adjustment of ruby text. |
TextContentAnchorType | specify how the text content is attached to its surrounding text. |
WrapTextMode | enumeration values specify the text wrap around objects in a text. |
WritingMode | [ DEPRECATED ] this enum covers the different writing directions |
Typedefs | |
TextColumnSequence |
Constant Groups | |
AuthorDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which parts of an author name are displayed in a field. |
BibliographyDataField | These values define parts of bibliographic data. They are used to create a bibliography in a text document. |
BibliographyDataType | These values define the type of bibliographic data like book, journal, magazine, etc. |
ChapterFormat | These constants define the display format of the chapter number in a chapter text field. |
CharacterCompressionType | These constants define character compression in asian text. |
ControlCharacter | These constants are the codes for inserting control characters
using |
DateDisplayFormat | [ DEPRECATED ] This constants define how a date field is formated before it is displayed. The format may also depend on the system or document locale. The samples are in German. |
DocumentStatistic | These constants are used to specify the type of a document statistic field. |
FilenameDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which parts of an URL are displayed in a field. |
FontEmphasis | Determins the type and position of an emphasis mark in asian texts. |
FontRelief | Determins the relief type of a font. |
FootnoteNumbering | These constants are used to specify the footnote numbering. |
HoriOrientation | These enumeration values specify the horizontal orientation. |
LabelFollow | These enumeration values specify character following the list label |
MailMergeType | Defines the possible output types/devices for mail merge. |
ParagraphVertAlign | These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical alignment of paragaphs. |
PlaceholderType | These constants define how the place-holder text fields act in a document. |
PositionAndSpaceMode | These enumeration values specify the position and space mode for a numbering level |
PositionLayoutDir | These values specify the layout direction, in which the position attributes of a shape are given |
ReferenceFieldPart | These constants define how the reference position is displayed in reference text fields. |
ReferenceFieldSource | These constants define the type of the source of a reference field. |
RelOrientation | These values define the reference position of relative orientations. |
SetVariableType | These constants define the type of a variable text field. |
SizeType | The height value of objects like text frames or table rows may be interpreted in different ways. |
TemplateDisplayFormat | These constants are used to specify which information about a template is displayed in a field. |
TextGridMode | this set of constants describes different modes for text grids |
TextMarkupType | Constants to specify the type of text markup. |
TimeDisplayFormat | [ DEPRECATED ] This constants define how a time field is formated before it is displayed. The formate may also depend on the system or document locale. |
UserDataPart | These constants define which part of the user data is displayed in a user data text field (service "sun.one.text.TextField.ExtendedUser") |
UserFieldFormat | These constants describe how the content of a user text field is formatted. |
VertOrientation | These enumeration values are used to specify the vertical orientation. |
WrapInfluenceOnPosition | These values specify the influence of the wrapping style of a floating screen object when it's positioned. |
WritingMode2 | this set of constants describes different writing directions |
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