Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their current value for seconds.
Example: The group :02 will contain all members that
contain a time with a seconds value of 2, regardless of the date,
hours and minutes of the member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 00:00:02 or
1999-May-02 12:45:02.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their current value for minutes.
Example: The group :02 will contain all members that
contain a time with a minutes value of 2, regardless of the date,
hours and seconds of the member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 00:02:00 or
1999-May-02 12:02:45.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their current value for hours.
Example: The group 02 will contain all members that
contain a time with a hour value of 2, regardless of the date, minutes
and seconds of the member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 02:00:00 or
1999-May-02 02:12:45.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their calendar day, or by ranges of days.
Calendar day grouping: The group Jan 03 will contain all
members that contain the january 3rd, regardless of the year or time
of the member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 00:00:00 or
1999-Jan-03 02:12:45.
Day range grouping: The group 2002-Jan-03 - 2002-Jan-09
will contain all members with a date/time in the range from
2002-Jan-03 00:00:00 through 2002-Jan-09 23:59:59.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their month.
Example: The group Jan will contain all members with a
date in the month january, regardless of the year, day, or time of the
member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 00:00:00 or
1999-Jan-02 02:12:45.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their quarter.
Example: The group Q1 will contain all members with a
date in the first quarter of a year (i.e. the months january,
february, and march), regardless of the year, day, or time of the
member, e.g. 2002-Jan-03 00:00:00 or
1999-Mar-02 02:12:45.
Groups all members of a DataPilot field containing a date/time value
by their year.
Example: The group 1999 will contain all members with a
date in the year 1999, regardless of the month, day, or time of the
member, e.g. 1999-Jan-03 00:00:00 or
1999-May-02 02:12:45.