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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15



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constants group KeyRule
determines the rules for foreign key constraints.

CASCADE a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .  
RESTRICT a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .  
SET_NULL a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .  
NO_ACTION a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .  
SET_DEFAULT a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .  
Constants' Details
const long CASCADE = 0;
a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .

For the column UPDATE_RULE , it indicates that when the primary key is updated, the foreign key (imported key) is changed to agree with it.

For the column DELETE_RULE , it indicates that when the primary key is deleted, rows that imported that key are deleted.

const long RESTRICT = 1;
a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .

For the column UPDATE_RULE , it indicates that a primary key may not be updated if it has been imported by another table as a foreign key.

For the column DELETE_RULE , it indicates that a primary key may not be deleted if it has been imported by another table as a foreign key.

const long SET_NULL = 2;
a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .

For the columns UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE , it indicates that when the primary key is updated or deleted, the foreign key (imported key) is changed to NULL.

const long NO_ACTION = 3;
a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .

For the columns UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE , it indicates that if the primary key has been imported, it cannot be updated or deleted.

const long SET_DEFAULT = 4;
a possible value for the column's UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE in the XResultSet objects returned by the methods XDatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys() , XDatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys() , and XDatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference() .

For the columns UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE , it indicates that if the primary key is updated or deleted, the foreign key (imported key) is set to the default value.

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