Allows the user to access a conversion dictionary.
The dictionary consists of entries (pairs) of the form
( aLeftText, aRightText ).
Those pairs can be added and removed. Also it can be looked
for all entries where the left text or the right text matches
a given text. Thus it can be used for conversions in both
Restrictions to what has to be the left and right text are usually
given by specific services implementing this interface.
searches for entries or conversions that match the given text.
The exact string to be looked for is the substring from the
aText parameter that starts at position nStartPos and has the
length nLength.
the list of conversions found for the supplied text.
If no nothing was found, it is empty.
Parameter aText
the text where the substring to be looked for will be taken from.
Depending on the conversion direction parameter it specifies
either the left text or the right text to look for.
Parameter nStartPos
the starting pos of the substring to be looked for.
Parameter nLength
the length of the substring to be looked for.
Parameter eConversionDirection
specifies the direction of the conversion to look for.
It is one of
if the locale is not supported by the dictionary or if
nTextConversionOptions is invalid for the given locale.
is used to add a conversion pair to the dictionary.
Parameter aLeftText
the left text of the pair to be added.
Parameter aRightText
the right text of the pair to be added.
if the arguments are invalid.
For example if the specifications defined by the service
implementing this object are not met.
if such an entry already exists.