describes a ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit to be applied
for displaying values.
Only a certain set of ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit values is
supported. In particular, every value which denotes a fraction of another
unit (like 100th millimiters) cannot be used as DisplayUnit.
if the caller attempts to set an unsupported ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit
describes a ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit to be
applied for transfering values.
The core measurement unit for a property value might differ from the unit which
is used by the control to display it. For instance, your property value might require
that your values denote 100th millimeters, but to the user, you want to present the
value as, say, inches. In this case, a numeric control can automatically handle the
value conversion for you, if you give it a ValueUnit different from the DisplayUnit.