Some resources must not be leafs, i.e. have to be anchor to at least
one other resource. Most panes are examples for this. Views on the
other hand are in most cases no anchors. So the typical pane will
return true and the typical view will return false.
The return value is used to determine whether a resource has to be
deactivated when it has no children, either because none is
requested or because none can be created.
Some resources must not be leafs, i.e. have to be anchor to at least
one other resource. Most panes are examples for this. Views on the
other hand are in most cases no anchors. So the typical pane will
return true and the typical view will return false.
The return value is used to determine whether a resource has to be
deactivated when it has no children, either because none is
requested or because none can be created.