place the diagram including the axes, axes labels and axes titles.
For the placement the current axis titles are taken into account, so the titles must be initialized properly before this method is called.
the position rectangle of the inner diagram part excluding any axes, labels and titles.
Position and size are given in 100/th mm.
It might be necessary to calculate the positioning so this method can be expensive and the result may depend on different other settings.
the position rectangle of the diagram including the axes and axes labels, but excluding the axes titles.
Position and size are given in 100/th mm.
It might be necessary to calculate the positioning so this method can be expensive and the result may depend on different other settings.
place the diagram including the axes, axes labels and axes titles.
For the placement the current axis titles are taken into account, so the titles must be initialized properly before this method is called.
the position rectangle of the diagram including the axes, axes labels and axes titles.
Position and size are given in 100/th mm.
It might be necessary to calculate the positioning so this method can be expensive and the result may depend on different other settings.