represents a starting point for Single Signon interactions.
The Single Signon ( SSO ) apis provide UNO based access to underlying
SSO implementations ( e.g. Kerberos ). The aim of the SSO apis is to
enable authentication ( possibly mutual ) between a client ( source or
initiator ) and a network service ( target or acceptor ). This is
achieved via. the creation and processing of security tokens sent
between the two parties. The steps which should be followed to
successfully use the SSO apis are as follows:
Use this factory to create/retrieve an XSSOManager
Depending on whether your code is acting as SSO source or target,
you should use the XSSOManager instance to create an
initiator security context, XSSOInitiatorContext or an
acceptor security context, XSSOAcceptorContext
On the initiator side, use the previously created context to process
security tokens received from the acceptor side and to create
security tokens to send to the acceptor side. On the acceptor side,
use the previously created context to process security tokens
received from the initiator side and to create security tokens to
send to the initiator side.